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Wednesday 19 November 2014

"You should enunciate more" - What happens when you sing with teeth problems....


For the past three years or so, I've gotten a lot of criticism - both good and bad - that has helped me mature as a singer and musician. However, the BIGGEST critique I always got from different people was that I had a problem with my enunciation.

And.. for the past three years, I've always given the same answer: it's a problem with my jaw.

WELL, I finally went to see a dentist for an orthodontics consultation a few days ago, and as it turns out... it's more than a jaw problem.......

Despite being 21 years old, I actually never got my wisdom teeth removed.
And to make matters worse, according to some internet research via dentist websites, it turns out the kind of wisdom teeth I have are called IMPACTED Wisdom Teeth, which basically means my mouth has no room for said wisdom teeth to come out. = A =###

Now, the actual bone structure has definitely improved since I first started singing on YouTube, but I've recently been feeling more pain in my teeth and found that my tongue has virtually no space to move around properly to pronounce words the way I want to. OTL

I do have a bit of an overbite, which I will be getting Invisalign for, but, there's a serious matter that needs to be dealt with first...

Not my teeth, but a pretty accurate representation of what my mouth looks like now. (just with larger lower wisdom teeth, and the lower wisdom teeth are both lying down at 90 degree angles RIGHT at the roots of my lower teeth)

My wisdom teeth need to be taken out. All 4 of them. At once. 

As of this moment right now, my gums hurt like fuck, which means they're currently in the process of poking through my gums right now. (beautiful OTL)

What does this mean, and how does it affect my singing?

Those wisdom teeth are overcrowding my mouth right now. Like I stated earlier in this post, THESE ARE NOT STANDARD WISDOM TEETH. Had I not had perfect teeth to begin with, this wouldn't be a problem, but I do. The teeth are the only part of my body that is strong. OTL 

Just by closing my mouth, I run the risk of biting the sides of my tongue. I can't eat food properly because the wisdom teeth aren't letting me align my jaw and tongue properly to even tear off a piece of meat. (This is why I hated eating meat for the longest fucking time) I can't even speak properly, let alone sing. OTL

And stress just adds to the pain, and believe me... these 5 research papers due within days of each other and my inability to focus on what the material is asking of me is NOT helping... (Why am I even writing this blog entry, I should be doing my research paper THAT'S DUE TOMORROW...)

I guess the main reason why I'm posting this is because... I KNOW. I know I can't enunciate and that I should, but... I can't. At least, not until near the end of December when I get them taken out. (My mom and I have both agreed that waiting until AFTER finals is a good idea when dealing with oral surgery... OTL)

This is literally the post that I will refer you to if you EVER ask me about my enunciation again.

If you guise keep telling me the same thing even after recovering from the surgery and self-induced singing rehab welp... can't tell you much then. D':

I'll see you guise on Friday with the weekly upload on YouTube~

(if you came here via Google or something, my YouTube channel is: )

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