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Monday, 1 December 2014

Live Show @ Akimatsuri 2014!! o w o)//

Hello, everyone!

I'll be performing at Anime Evolution's Akimatsuri 2014 event this weekend at UBC Robson Square in Downtown Vancouver!

More details, a link to the Facebook Event, and the playlist after the break!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

"You should enunciate more" - What happens when you sing with teeth problems....


For the past three years or so, I've gotten a lot of criticism - both good and bad - that has helped me mature as a singer and musician. However, the BIGGEST critique I always got from different people was that I had a problem with my enunciation.

And.. for the past three years, I've always given the same answer: it's a problem with my jaw.

WELL, I finally went to see a dentist for an orthodontics consultation a few days ago, and as it turns out... it's more than a jaw problem.......

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Going back to the start...!

So, I usually keep this kind of stuff to myself and write it down in a private diary or something, but... I feel like I should do this publicly.

Seeing as it has a lot to do with the reason why I've stuck with YouTube for over 3 years (officially 4 years in December) now.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Event announcements - SUMMER 2014

Hi again, everyone!

So the last blog post I made was a bit on the serious and personal side.
This one is a bit more... err... professional?
Is that what you would call it? lolol

Anyhoo, on with the show!
I have several overdue announcements to make.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

My Cosplay Story

The Real Problem with Sexy Cosplay

I recently saw a video by Ardelle Cosplay on the issue of societal views on cosplay, and how one can help change the paradigm of cosplay as viewed by non-cosplayers. She also discouraged resentment and the bringing-down of other cosplayers.

That got me thinking about my own experience thus far as a cosplayer.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Album Release Date Change + Upcoming Projects!

Hey guys! Long time, no talk~ 8D

If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, you would've seen that I made an announcement about the album release.

My debut indie utattemita album, "The People's Warmth", was set for release on February 14th. The thing is, I can't get that done in time. If I want to release on February 14th, requires me to submit ALL cover tracks in by AT LEAST January 14th to make sure that all copyrights are passed by the original producers. I wanted to stay a bit extra safe concerning the approval period, so I made my personal deadline January 10th.

That is literally tomorrow, and because of life and house renovations and other shet, I only got one track done, and I'm seriously considering revamping the entire playlist again.


For those who were looking forward to the album, sorry for the delay! ; A;'' I want to give you guys something REALLY GOOD, not half-assed. OTL So, even if it's a bit longer, I'm going to work hard to make it worth the wait! > 3<)// <3

If you just found out about the album now, I'll be uploading all changes to the playlist later this week here and on my Facebook page and Twitter.

Twitter: @ageha_62


IN OTHER NEWS, I have a LOT of upcoming projects planned, and I thought that maybe I should probably write them down somewhere I can remind myself and not forget about it. OTL

"Gomen ne, iiko ja irarenai" - Miku Sawai [Kill la Kill ED] (english dub?)

"Heartful Message" - 19's Sound Factory (english dub)

"Fourty-Seven" - Mikito-P [Sarishinohara sequel] (english dub)

Work hard and have fun, guys! <3

*ageha (Aelita)