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Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Ryouko @ Anime Evolution 2013

Hi again!

Most of you know by now that I spend a lot of my time in the music community with my band, Ryouko. August will mark the band's first anniversary, where we first debuted on the outskirts of the Vancouver Convention Centre at Anime Revolution 2012, and recorded our very first MV ("Just Be Friends") at the University of British Columbia during Cos & Effect 2012.

With the return of Anime Evolution at the end of this month, Ryouko will actually have a stage on the roof of the SUB building at UBC on Friday, June 28th.

We're in the program, too! 8D

Hopefully the pamphlet will describe more about what we're about besides "Ryouko - band" ; A ;'' OTL

Be sure to RSVP to the event here! (Event page is still under construction because BOMHAT has Provincials, I think. OTL)

Hope to see you all there! <3


Projects List (Current, Planned, Want to Do)

[June 25, 2013] This is so overdue. D':
Anyway, this is where I'll be listing projects that I'm interested in!

If you want to hear a song from the list done FOR SURE, give me a heads-up in the comments or on Twitter (@ageha_62), and I'll be keeping track of which ones you guys want to hear first~ >D

I'll do my best to update this as efficiently as I can. ; A ;)>


  • All Alone with You (The People's Warmth ver.) (EGOIST) -- Acoustic English version for "The People's Warmth" album release


WANT TO DO (BUT NOT CONFIRMED) PROJECTS: (choose requests from here!)
  • Sayoko (Mikito-P) -- English version (lyrics by me & Sohly) -- REMASTER [DONE]
  • Konna ni Chikaku de... (Crystal Kay) -- English version REMASTER + own lyrics instead of cherrytiger's
  • I Shared a Kiss with Miku Hatsune (Mikito-P) -- English version
  • Talent Sampler (koyori) -- Japanese acoustic version

Monday, 17 June 2013

Twitter Users, get ready for Tourette!

On Wednesday, June 19th, 2013, the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada will be taking over Twitter handles to simulate how a person would act if they had Tourette Syndrome.

"Wednesday from 9 o’clock on tweets will come out from your twitter handle with the equivalent of verbal tics. You won’t know when they’re coming and you won’t know what they are saying and that’s to mimic the way that real verbal tics happen,” said Cathy Wylie, president of the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada. The automated tweets will come out with a link to so followers can find out more."

More on the event and how I'll be participating in it, after the break!